Calculated coefficients: Uw, Ro, Rw and Sw

  • Modules
  • Calculated coefficients: Uw, Ro, Rw and Sw
Stolcad® Professional offers advanced capabilities for the automatic calculation of the key coefficients for windows and doors such as Uw, Ro, Rw and Sw. This allows users to easily include these data in their offers, declarations of performance documents, energy passport documents and finished product labels. One of the main advantages of the software is its high configurability, which allows the calculation process to be tailored to the specifics of the product, regional requirements and applicable legal regulations. An additional configurable option is the precision of the coefficient display.

Stolcad® Professional allows for the expansion with specialized modules that calculate additional coefficients according to user needs. Among them are:
These modules provide users with comprehensive tools necessary for the accurate analysis and presentation of the technical parameters of windows and doors, which is invaluable in making decisions about their selection.

Uw Heat Transfer Coefficient Module

Important in assessing the thermal insulation of windows and doors

The Uw heat transfer coefficient is the key indicator of the thermal insulation of the windows you produce. It is a value that directly affects the energy efficiency of the structure - a lower Uw value means better insulation properties. Stolcad® Professional precisely calculates this coefficient using a standardized formula and user-defined data. The results of the calculations of the Uw coefficient for windows and doors are automatically inserted in the prepared offers.
For users with the additional modules, these values can also be included in documents such as declarations of performance, energy passports, or finished product labels. The module not only provides precise calculations but also allows for easy sharing and presentation, which is the key element of offering for the window industry.

Ro Factor Module

Defines the thermal resistance of windows directly affecting their thermal insulation

The Ro coefficient, also known as the Ro norm of windows, refers to the heat transfer indicator through windows, which is expressed in thermal resistance values. It is a measure of a material's ability to resist heat flow. The higher the Ro value,
the better the thermal insulation of the window, which means less heat loss from the room to the surroundings. Standards for the Ro coefficient may vary depending on national or regional regulations and are significant in assessing the energy efficiency of buildings.

Average Uw Coefficient for the Order Module

Enables the assessment of thermal insulation at the level of the entire project.

The average Uw factor for an order can be calculated when dealing with the supply of different types of windows for one project. In such cases, each window (or group of windows with the same parameters) has its individual Uw factor. The average Uw factor for the entire order (project) is calculated as a weighted average of these individual values, where the weights are the surfaces of the individual windows. Information about the calculated average Uw factor is then placed in the offer summary or another designated place.
Heat transfer coefficient in window construction

Rw Sound Absorption Module

Important during the assessment of acoustic insulation

The extension offers a precise calculation of the Rw factor, which is the key indicator determining the level of sound absorption of the window construction. With this module, you can provide clients with detailed information about the acoustic properties of the windows being designed, enabling them to choose a product that best meets their acoustic needs. In this process, the user of the software first manually enters data about the glass characteristics, which are based on technical specifications provided by the glass manufacturer. Then, the module automatically calculates the level of sound absorption for the window constructions, taking into account the changing sizes of the
window surfaces during the design. Dynamic adjustment of the Rw factor value, depending on the sizes of the constructions selected by the user, guarantees the achievement of ideal acoustic properties that fully meet the expectations of customers. The result of the Rw factor calculations is automatically included in the prepared offers. For users with additional modules, there is an option to place this data also on declarations of performance or finished product labels. Such action significantly facilitates the presentation of the product, enabling efficient sharing of the key information.

Sw Solar Factor Module

Reflects the window's ability to transmit solar energy

This module allows for the precise calculation of the solar factor Sw of windows, also known as the solar light transmission coefficient. This important parameter reflects the ability of a window to transmit solar energy into a building, directly affecting the energy efficiency of the structure, its natural lighting, and the thermal comfort of the residents. The Sw value depends on many factors, including the thermal insulation parameters of the entire window structure, i.e. the Uw factor, as well as the insulation of the glass itself. The general rule is that the more solar heat is transmitted through a window, the higher the Sw factor.
The colour of window profiles is also crucial. Darker profiles heat up faster under the influence of solar rays, resulting in a bigger heat transfer to the interior. Windows characterized by a high Sw factor can help reduce heating costs in the winter season by utilizing solar heat. However, in the summer they can also lead to unwanted increases in indoor temperatures, which in turn increases the need for cooling rooms. Therefore, it is important that the selection of the Sw value is closely adapted to the climate of the region where the building is located and to its orientation relative to the cardinal directions.