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Reference Letter

Reference from РЕНОПЛАСТcompany

Translation of the reference letter

Our company, currently operating under the brand «Вікна Волині», has been collaborating with Sadowski Software company from the very beginning of our existence, since 1996.
Over 16 years of cooperation, we have grown along with Stolcad program.
Even when familiarizing ourselves with the first versions of the program, it was clear that its creators aimed to develop a simple-to-use yet powerful, versatile, and fully functional product for window production and business. We believe that this goal has been achieved.
We currently benefit from the following main advantages of this program:
1. Rapid design of structures with varying degrees of complexity.
2. Processing databases of orders and customers.
3. Waste minimization through an efficient optimization mechanism.
4. Creation of production batches of orders for better optimization.
5. Customized approach to our production process.
6. Integration of the program with an automatic cutting line.
7. Data exchange with accounting software (in our case it is 1C).
8. Creation and printing of labels.
9. Online file exchange with dealers.
10. Quick adaptation of the program to any profile and hardware system. This is just a short list of the program's capabilities.
As a result, we have been able to significantly reduce all our material and human resources, improve communication between departments of the company, and stay a step ahead of competitors who do not have similar software.
The creator, Mr. Andrzej Sadowski, and his team of specialists quickly respond to the needs of the market in general, and to our company in particular. The tasks we have set, and continue to set before them, are completed quickly and efficiently.
We can confidently recommend Stolcad program to anyone who wants to run an efficient, successful and competitive window business.
DirectorРЕНОПЛАСТГерук Сергій
