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PARTNER company

Reference Letter

Reference from PARTNERcompany

Translation of the reference letter

"Partner-Alma" Stach, Król Sp. J. company provides a recommendation for Sadowski Software, a company operating in the software industry for the joinery sector.
Sadowski Software company has been our partner since 1999 when we implemented Stolcad program in our company. Initially, it was Stolcad 7 version, and currently it is Stolcad 12.4 and Stolcad Professional. These programs are used by us for designing, quoting and comprehensive preparation of window and door production, as well as for machine control and warehouse management. Therefore, it is a tool that helps us manage the company's operations. During the implementation phase of the software, we could rely on training and technical support from Sadowski Software. Currently, the company ensures continuous updates of their products for us.
Considering the entirety of our cooperation so far, we are pleased to recommend Sadowski Software company as a trustworthy, professional and reliable business partner.
mgr. inż. Józef Stach
