Offer in Inches Module

Offer in Inches Module Module in Stolcad
In the age of globalization, success on the international stage requires not only innovation but also the ability to adapt to different standards and market requirements. In response to the growing demand for support on Anglo-Saxon markets, we have launched the Offer in Inches Module. The option is a strategic advantage to companies planning to expand into markets such as the USA, Canada or the United Kingdom, where imperial units are the standard. It is also a valuable tool for companies already operating in these markets because of its features to streamline and automate the processes of designing and quoting.
Inches visualisation

Precision and efficiency in every inch

The Offer in Inches Module is used for easy creation of designs and offers in imperial units, which is crucial for companies operating or starting operations on Anglo-Saxon markets. This functionality allows for the input and modification of design dimensions directly in inches, eliminating the need for manual conversion and the associated risk of errors. This precision increases the work efficiency and reduces time needed to adapt a project to the specific requirements of the markets.
The module is designed with intuitive use and flexibility in mind. A simple mechanism for switching between the metric and imperial systems allows for dynamic adaptation to current design and quoting needs. This enables users to easily change units of measure depending on the requirements of a specific project or customer preferences. Additionally, the module provides flexibility in displaying dimensions in both inches and millimetres on the offer print-outs, which is an advantage in communication with international customers.

Quoting in inches, producing in millimetres

Our module not only supports the creation of offers in inches but also allows for maintaining production documentation in millimetres. This solution is particularly valuable for companies that produce locally but export their products. It not only ensures greater precision and compliance with global standards but also significantly facilitates technical communication with foreign partners.

Summary of the key benefits

  • Precision in designing in inches: Introducing dimensions directly in inches at the design stage allows for product customization to meet the expectations of international clients.
  • Professional presentation of offers: The offers prepared with dimensions in inches increase understanding and trust among international clients and business partners.
  • Production in millimetres: It is possible to generate all production documentation in millimetres for a design created in inches.
  • Working with different measures: Easy switching between inches and millimetres ensures smooth adaptation to current design needs.
  • Time savings, no errors: Eliminating the need for manual conversion reduces the time needed to prepare documentation, plus it eliminates errors.
  • Automation of processes: Faster and more efficient processes of designing and offering either sometimes in inches, or sometimes in millimetres.
If you are interested in discussing the capabilities of the Offer in Inches Module or have any questions about its application, please contact us. Filling out the form below will enable our specialists to precisely tailor the module to your design requirements.
Fill in the form or call: +48 56 642 66 33