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PAGUM company

Reference Letter

Reference from PAGUMcompany

Translation of the reference letter

Reference letter
The production company Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjne "PAGUM" B. Papież i Wspólnicy Spółka Jawna, based in Borek Szlachecki, is pleased to recommend Sadowski Software company, a leading provider of software for the production and sales of window and door joinery.
Our business focuses on traditional wooden joinery, including structures now considered atypical, such as box windows. We had long sought an IT solution that would meet all our requirements and can now confirm that the best program turned out to be Stolcad Professional, a product of Sadowski Software.
Beyond the extensive experience of Sadowski Software's team, which facilitated the smooth implementation of Stolcad Professional in our company, their openness and flexibility stand out. They have shown great adaptability in modifying the software and in their client-centric business approach.
The representatives of Sadowski Software fully understood our needs. By offering several different ways to work with their software, we were able to choose the perfect collaboration method for us, which is leasing. Moreover, they made modifications to Stolcad Professional that simplify, among other things, the design of box windows.
Considering our positive cooperation so far, we wholeheartedly recommend Sadowski Software – a provider of software for the joinery industry – as a reliable business partner, ready to meet the unusual expectations of window and door manufacturers.
Arkadiusz Papież
