Flag of Poland

MALEC company

Reference Letter

Reference from Maleccompany

Translation of the reference letter

Reference Letter
On behalf of Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno – Usługowo ‒ Handlowe Dariusz Malec company, located in Białogard, I would like to recommend the IT services of Sadowski Software company, based in Grudziądz.
We are a manufacturer of wooden windows and doors, offering our constructions in various systems, including European, Scandinavian and Dutch. Our goal was to find comprehensive software to support the work of window and door joinery manufacturers. The program that met our expectations was Stolcad Professional, the latest system from Sadowski Software company.
The extensive experience in the window and door industry that the employees of Sadowski Software company possess ensured that the implementation of Stolcad Professional along with additional modules and the technological systems we specified, was professional and swift.
Sadowski Software is fully committed to helping us make the best use of their software capabilities. At the beginning of our cooperation, our account manager conducted training on the general use of the program, and we also regularly receive necessary educational materials.
With the availability of service support from a dedicated account manager, we know that any issues we report will be handled by someone who fully understands the specifics of our company's operations, providing solutions that fully meet our needs.
Sadowski Software company is a reliable and trustworthy partner, and most importantly, they are open to continuous development. We are pleased to provide this reference and recommend them to all entrepreneurs who value the most modern software solutions for joinery production and high-quality service.
